Welcome to CHO Bee Labs Academy
Course Fees: Rs. 15,000/- (get a 15% discount on buying both pies and tarts levels together)
To classify as a pie or tart, a pastry needs to have two key features: a thin pastry dough that is baked to form a crust, and a filling. With the pies and tarts concentrated course, you’ll follow hands-on and learn to perfectly nail these two elements (with a variety of basic and advanced pastry and filling types) each time.
It is believed that the Greeks were the inventors of the “pastry shell” concept, which they made by combining flour and water. They used to fill these pastry shells with anything from cream, to fruit, to custard, to savory fillings. Their concept has stood the test of time, making a vast range of pie and tart types possible today.
Detailed step-by-step recipe books
All ingredients and professional grade equipment
Access to our fully equipped professional grade kitchen
5 days (includes assessment and certification on the last day)
Beginner to Intermediate Bakers
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